Sunday, April 13, 2014

Vegas baby!!!

First, so sorry I didn't have a ton of down time in our room and when I did I was like falling asleep from constantly going all day, haha! So that is why I never posted... Vegas was fun, and so warm. I think most of the days were 80s-90s it was nice compared to the cold we returned too:( I did horrible on my training for the half and eating so this week is going to be horrible but oh well, what do ya do?? Here are some pictures of the trip, again sorry I didn't take very many... I always forget too!

People watching at Pinkberry, I'm in Heaven.

First night was a win!!!

Saw Divergent after reading the whole series;) in my White Chucks and leather leggings....

One of the healthy decisions I made;) HUMMUS and PITA CHIPS

Just one of the 4 amazing pools

A some what healthy decision.... I think? Sugar free Slurpee....?

Bye Vegas, it's been real...

XOXO elle

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