Friday, May 30, 2014


So sorry I haven't posted in who knows how long, my sister was close to not graduating and then when she found out like two weeks before graduation that she would be graduating, she wanted to do some senior pictures.....

She decided this on Tuesday (two weeks before;) and we shot Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.... and went from the Salt Flats to Provo, and everything in between. As stressful and crazy as everything was and the fact that we made her cards at 2:30AM!!! They looked pretty good and the latest anyone got them was two days before the graduation and they lived in Cali. All the people that were coming and in Utah got them a soon as two days after we got them out, which was a week before her ceremony so let's just say the final result was good;) in between I think we wanted to kill each other;)

Anyway, here are only a few of her Senior pictures and then some of her card and the graduation!

Had to learn some new talents trying to do this with sparklers, I will be doing this more to say the least;) LOVE IT!!

From my phone so the quality is not great, but there is the front of her card.

The back of her card;)

Our little family...

Missing Cooper, Jess (who's in Paris!!), Garrett, Grandpa, Craig, Scott and Carri, and their three adorable girls, Ash, Emily, and Karli!! Missed you guys! 

For being sisters I really don't think we look a like haha!;)

Kam and Taylor, best friends forever!!! Crazy to think they are both so grown up...

XOXO elle

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